Glider Training for Youth
Charities Number 306119

This is the old Hangar Appeal page. The UBT's new hangar is now constructed thanks to the generous support of local organizations and people.

See the
News page for more on the new hangar.

The Upward Bound Trust is currently facing a significant threat to its future in its current form.

The Upward Bound Trust is currently facing a significant threat to its future in its current form.

The Airfield Owners are continuing with the development of the industrial site on the edge of the airfield. Whilst this in itself will have little impact to our operation, Aylesbury Vale Planning Authority is requiring them to build a link road from the industrial site to the A418, which is on the other side of the airfield.

The reason for this requirement is to remove the presence of industrial traffic, especially large lorries from the small roads of Haddenham village. The Airfield Owners have planned the relief road in such away as to have least impact on the airfield itself. The plan is for the relief road to follow the perimeter track southwest from the industrial site and then turning northwest along the railway line until it meets a new roundabout on the A418 just northeast from the railway bridge. This route leaves the current grass runway virtually intact and would have no significant impact on flying operations.

Full details of the plan can be seen on the Aylesbury Vale Planning Authority’s web site:
Haddenham Business Park Planning Brief

The important sections are the Main Planning Brief, together with appendixes 1,2 & 3.

The threat to our operations is that the new relief road separates our hangar from the airstrip. The hangar is used to house our three training gliders, a 4 ton winch, the two tractors and a myriad of other equipment that is needed by us to operate. When the road is built we will be unable to move the aircraft and equipment to the runway and back to the hangar in its current position.

The Airfield Owners and Aylesbury Vale Planning Authority have both been very supportive of our operation and have identified an area on the airfield where we can build a new hangar or move our current one. The Airfield Owners have also guaranteed us a hard-core track next to the new road at the southwestern end of the runway to enable us to move the 4 ton winch from the northwest perimeter track to the runway when the ground is wet.

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What we have to do is to build a new hangar or move the existing one. The preliminary estimates are between £40,000 to £50,000 for a new hangar. However, we are also looking at the option of moving the existing hangar, which is owned by the trust. This building is clad in asbestos reinforced board. If we do decide to use the existing frame we would be required to dispose of this cladding in an environmentally friendly and secure manner as required by law. The estimate that we have had for moving the existing hangar and re-cladding it is £35,000. The time scale for the start of the relief road project is for building to start at the end of 2005. As you will appreciate this does not give us a lot of time to fund raise and organise the move.

Current cost estimates of the move are beyond the trusts means and we are investigating ways in which we can fund the hangar move. If you, your company or any one you know can help in any way, please contact any one of us on the contacts page.

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The help can be in the form of monetary donation’s, materials and equipment booking a Corporate Training Day with the Upward Bound Trust or anything else that will help us bring about a successful conclusion to this problem. We will be launching a sponsor's page to acknowledge the sponsors for their help. Any thing that the sponsor requires as an offset will be accommodated.

A leaflet has been produced and can be downloaded from the forms page. If you can post it in a prominent position on your club notice board or give it to anyone who might be able to help, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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